Blanche Chic Blue Lavender Fusion
The Blanche Chic Blue Lavender Fusion arrangement features an assortment of 7-9 roses and a mix of hydrangeas. Set in our timeless luxury Chic classic white boxes with bronze accents. They'll stay beautiful for 12+ months (and last up to three years with proper care).
The Blanche Collection's long-lasting preserved floral arrangements are ideal for elevating any space. Perfect gifts for you or for them. Available in a few sizes to fit every occasion and person. Their true rose aroma lasts for months.
- Preserved Stems
- Large Premium Ecuadorian Roses (2.5 inch in diameter), Mini Roses (1-1.5 inch in diameter), and Hydrangeas
- Color(s)
- Baby Blue and Cool Lavender large roses, Light Lavender mini roses, and Off White, Blue Platinum, and Lavender Purple hydrangeas
- Box size
- 8" x 8" x 9"
- 100% real flowers that last 12+ months
- Roses harvested from the beautiful fields of Ecuador
- Our flowers are cut and preserved at their peak beauty
- Enjoy fast delivery options for every preference
- Give the gift of year-round luxury
Please note: Each Glam Fleur arrangement is prepared by hand with real roses and therefore one of a kind. Due to the handmade nature, our arrangements may vary slightly in design, rose color or appearance from product images.
- Overnight or Second Day Delivery: order by 12PM (noon PST)
- Choose Your Delivery Date on our Checkout Calendar!
- We Can Hand-Deliver in the Los Angeles area.
Delivery Methods:
- Overnight
- Second Day
- Standard (3 days or more)
- Saturday Deliveries
- Pickup in our LA Boutique
- FedEx International Shipping
Note: Overnight Delivery orders placed on Friday after 12pm PST arrive the following Tuesday. Selected delivery date is a FedEx estimate and not guaranteed for international shipments.
- Our preserved roses last up to 3 years without watering.
- Do NOT remove roses from their box.
- Resist touching roses or knocking things into them.
- Keep the roses out of sunlight and high heat.